Friday, December 10, 2010

Random facts

::Here are a few random facts about yours truly::

I watch a daytime soap opera {drum roll please} - Day's of our lives... What?!?!?!
-I'm oh so addicted..Been watching since I was a kid.

I have a secret love affair with Target.
{Not so secret anymore now is it?}

I wear kid band aids {I do have an 8 year old after all.}
-Spongebob is the band aid of choice right now.

I dye my hair because I'm all kinds of gray. booo! Getting older sucks.

I prefer a MAC over a PC.

I got a ticket for driving in the carpool lane as a solo driver.

I love James Dean!
-I own a lot of James Dean things... Mostly Posters and I've framed a few.

I've lost 31 pounds in 5 months. 1 pound left until goal.

My favorite place to eat is Bubba Gumps.
-My favorite Bubba Gumps is in Monterey, CA.

I have never seen any of the star wars movies.

I spend hours upon hours with my little friends
{Mac, Google, Canon & Photoshop}
-Teaching myself how to use Mr. Canon Rebel Camera
* how to take better picture and get certain effects
*how to use photoshop elements and edit pictures.

I believe that life is too short not to live it up a little.

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