Friday, July 09, 2010

We're in love...

Recently we visited the Oregon Coast. It's absolutely BREATHTAKING. I knew I'd like it there, as I have always loved the coast and have always wanted to live near the Ocean. Whenever I'm near the ocean it feels like home, where I should be, where I want to be. But here in CA living near the ocean is not possible, it's just too darn expensive. Not to mention I'm not really a big fan of CA to boot! Little did I know I'd fall in love with the OC (*OC=Oregon Coast) as much as I did. Being near ocean waters is so peaceful, calming and just plain happiness. This place fits me well, feels like home. Coming back to CA was very depressing, Oregon is nothing like it. The State, the people, the cost of living...It's all very different, definitely my cup of tea.  My husband and I wanted to turn right around, go back and never leave. One day (years from now) we will leave CA and spend the rest of our days in this place of peace and serenity.  But for now we'll visit as often as we can.

I believe you should........ "Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be. Because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things YOU want to do."

(Bandon, OR)

"This place where you are right now, god circled on a map for you." - Hafiz

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