Dearest December,
Hello. I'm glad you're here. You are my one of my favorite months of the year.
But this year I've come to love and hate you all at the same time.
Is that really even possible?
Sadly yes.
But I'm soaking up whatever moments I can that make me love you and trying to forgive you for the reasons why I am hating you. I promise to work on this, okay?
Although I may dislike you right now, I am not ready for January or a new year.
So please don't go by too fast.
I want to enjoy everything about you.
The twinkling lights everywhere, the lazy days in, the warm beverages, the family visits, the food coma's, the vacation, the giving, the book reading & movie watching by the twinkling tree
& the snuggles.
The lady who loves to love you & hates to hate you.
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