Friday, November 01, 2013

Goodbye, October. Hello, November.

Here's to a new month with new possibilities.
image via weheartit

Things I enjoy about November//
+Gain an hour, thanks to Daylight Savings
+3 week days off of work, due to holiday's (Veteran's Day/Thanksgiving & The Day after)
+The Christmas items & decor out in stores
+The twinkling of tree lights
+The Thanksgiving Feast
+Christmas shopping here & there
+The decorating for Christmas
+Christmas Movie watching that begins in our home
+The smell of holiday candle scents in the house
+Holiday Craft Shows/Harvest Festival
+The Cafe Americano's from Starbucks
+Colder days (more reason to bundle up and snuggle)
+The smell that fills the air after a freshly fallen rain
+& making plans not to make plans

..Happy November..

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  1. So happy to see you blogging again! I liked your list - I could relate to so much of what you wrote! I am the crazy lady who was grinning from ear to ear when I saw Christmas decorations in stores before Halloween even arrived! :) It's nice to know I am in good company, enjoying Holiday scented candles while sipping an Americano from Starbucks. :)

    Have a great weekend (and thanks again for the link to your scarf!)


  2. Thanks for stopping by lovely. Husband and I are crazy nuts about Christmas, so when it graces it's presence we are beaming with joy. My hubs may be the Clark Griswold of Christmas. hahaha

    You are so welcome for the link to the scarves. I ordered two more and they just came in. I'm in love. :)


Thanks for stopping by - xo.